Sunday, August 28, 2011

RESEARCH Versus Inquiry

Administrative inquiry is used in a way of interaction between the Administrator and the people involved in a controversial situation (situation that is not working or beneficial for the school district, school or student) that need to be resolved to the benefit of the student.
The major difference is the approach that is taken. First the labeling of the situation has change to remove the stigma of the word research by using the word inquiry.  The difference is the feeling that most people perceive when the word research is used kind of like the word inquisition. Where the possibilities of bad consequences to the people being researched.  The view of this being a fact finding facet in order to come up with a beneficial solution to the event.  Massive change suggested by meaning as opposed to the possibility of only tweeting (adjusting) of the current procedures.
Participation of as many people as are involved normally is important to get a true picture or perception of the situation that is perceived to need change.  The use of non-threatening word often leads to better results.  The true definition of a word sometime does not matter to the person hearing it but the current perception of the word does.  Word come to mean what people have made them mean as in research=looking for guilty party, inquiry=just checking it out.

In today’s society you have come to expect people to want 150 percent of from you. We have come to accept that request. In reality you can only give 100 percent of your work.  From time to time you can over exert yourself and push yourself past your limits for that day and slowly eat away at your reserve energy. That being said a specific set of time set aside for oneself, when you can review both work and your life in general. A break in the fast pace of an administrator daily life is important because it lets them regenerate the energy level both physical and mentally.  The setting up of a consistent time during the day will create a subconscious euphoria as the mind starts to expect that free time to relax and also be able to revel in their accomplishments instead of just preparing themselves for the next problem.

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